Diagnostic Services

<? echo $title; ?>Digital Radiology

At North Haven Animal Hospital and North Colony Animal Hospital, we use the latest in advanced digital radiology as part of your pet's diagnostic care.

Radiographs are one of the most important diagnostic tools in veterinary medicine. They allow us to view the shape, size and location of organs inside your pet's body. Radiographs are extremely helpful for diagnosing and monitoring many medical and surgical conditions. For example, they are useful in examining your pet's bones, lungs, heart, abdomen, oral cavity and other areas of the body. Radiographs and ultrasound are often utilized together for an even more complete diagnosis. The quality of digital radiographs is higher in comparison to traditional machines. Digital radiology has many benefits for your pet, you and our staff. Our digital radiology technology produces clear, detailed images that allow our medical team to make a more rapid and accurate diagnosis.

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Diagnostic Laboratory

<? echo $title; ?>Diagnostic tests help us make more accurate diagnosis. Thanks to our in-house diagnostic laboratory, your pet's test results are ready within a matter of minutes.

Our laboratory is capable of processing many tests, including complete blood counts (CBCs), blood chemistry panels, parasite testing (to detect the presence of heartworm, intestinal worms and other internal parasites) and more. Your pet's laboratory test results are analyzed and interpreted by our team of specially trained veterinary technicians. The results of the laboratory tests provide fast, accurate treatment for your pet.

Heartworm testing, complete blood count, blood-chemistry panel, urinalysis and fecal examination are the most common laboratory tests performed at our hospital. Below are short descriptions of each test.

Complete Blood Count (CBC)

A CBC measures the number of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets in a sample of blood. The number of each type of cell provides information to help diagnose anemia, infections, inflammation, auto-immune disease and some types of neoplasia.

Blood-Chemistry Panel (Chem Profile)

A blood-chemistry panel measures electrolytes and organ enzymes. Included in this blood test are calcium, phosphorous, liver enzymes, kidney values, glucose and total protein. These measurements help your veterinarian determine how your pet's organs are functioning. Chemistry panels are often included in pre-anesthetic blood work as well screening tests (geriatric patients).

Fecal Examination (Fecal)

Your veterinarian may examine your pet's feces under a microscope for the presence of intestinal parasites, including roundworm, hookworm, whipworm, tapeworm and giardia. A fecal examination is part of your pet's complete wellness examination.

Urinalysis (UA)

Laboratory testing of your pet's urine can help detect the presence of specific substances such as protein, glucose, white blood cells, blood, bacteria, and crystals that may indicate an underlying disease process. Measuring the dilution or concentration of urine can also help your veterinarian diagnose illness. Urinalysis can be helpful in diagnosing urinary tract infections, diabetes, kidney disease, endocrine disease, and other medical conditions.

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<? echo $title; ?>Ultrasound

Ultrasound is a non-invasive procedure that uses high-frequency sound waves to produce a real-time moving image of your pet's internal organs. This procedure does not require anesthesia or sedation in most cases.

Ultrasound allows our veterinarians to see more detailed images compared to radiographs. It can be performed on the abdomen or thorax. An echocardiogram is an ultrasound of the heart – an important diagnostic test in assessing animals with heart disease.

Using the ultrasound image as a guide, surgical biopsies can be obtained without major surgery and your pet can often go home the same day. Ultrasounds are typically not stressful for your pet and take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes to perform.

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